Sunday Sep 17, 2023
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDT
September 17, 2023, 11:00 am
Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center 1477 Highway 395 North, Gardnerville, NV
Pam Ludwig 510-375-3110
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Bells Across American - Constitution Week BELLS ACROSS AMERICA Constitution Week Poster Contest Keynote Speaker Bring your favorite BELL to ring at 1 pm (we will have been for sale) Light refreshments will be served RSVP before September 10th to Hosted by the John C. Fremont Chapter, NSDAR & the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce for more information.
P.O. Box 793, Minden, NV 89423 – (775) 782-8144 –